
From The Revo Wiki


―衝動という名の忌避すべき悪夢 壊れたマリオネットは誰?―



見えない鎖を繰り寄せ それはやって来る

タナトスの使者は 決して逃さない


駈け出した母子 追いかけるは銀色の馬車

吹雪の夜の情景 白夜に彩られた悲しい物語…

吹雪の雪原を 駈けて行く女(ひと)


銀色の馬車は 疾風(はやて)のように


黒衣の男は凍てついた 蒼く燃える手を振りかざす

眩い光に包まれて 目覚めた時には遅すぎた



Never cries, Never moves, Baby is under the snow.

Never smiles, Never grows, Sad song of fate.

Never cries, Never moves, Baby is under the snow.

Never smiles, Never grows, Sad song of fate.

-A nightmarish impulse that must be avoided- Who is that Broken Marionette?-

All who are born into this world that lacks salvation

have the cold chains of death wrapped around them

Pulling on those invisible chains, one day it shall arrive

For there is no escape from Thanatos…

As if under someone else's impulse,

A mother and a child fled, being chased by a Silver Carriage

The scenery on the night of the snow storm, A sad story colored by the white of midnight…

The woman [person] runs through the snowy fields,

with a baby in her arms

The Silver Carriage, as swift as the wind [a strong gale],

pursues their fleeing shadows

The man cloaked in black lifts his frozen, palely burning arm

By then, it's too late for it to awaken, as dazzling light blinds the surroundings

What the woman buried in that snowy field is... Ah...

The corpse of her beloved child…

Never cries, Never moves, Baby is under the snow

Never smiles, Never grows, Sad song of fate

Never cries, Never moves, Baby is under the snow

Never smiles, Never grows, Sad song of fate



  1. Kaido

Template:Live Tour 2007 Navbox